Click to download Council Proceeding June 15 2017
- The Fowler City Council met on Monday June 19th, 2017. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Brett Copeland with the following Council Members present: Dudley Strong, Mark Dierking, Louis Randall, TJ Milford and Kendra Dowell. Also present, City Attorney Clay Kuhns, City Superintendent Brian Finke and City Clerk Jamie Boese .
Pastor Stew Smith opened with a word of prayer.
- May minutes were reviewed. Mark made a motion to approve the minutes 2nd by Dudley. Motion passed 5-0.
- Bills reviewed. Motion to approve bills by TJ 2nd by Louis. Motion carried 5-0.
- Dave Snook addressed the council about getting two lots from the City to build a house on. He would like to build a single family home. He is requesting lots 1 & 3 in block 50 of the Waits Addition. Louis made a motion to deed lots 1 &3 to Dave and Sue Snook with the condition that they build within 18 months. Dudley 2nd and Motion carried 5-0.
- Rebecca Heinz presented the proposed library budget which included a 5% increase. She discussed how she would use this increase. She also discussed how well summer program was going and how the moveable shelves have been nice to provide space. Kendra made a motion to increase the library budget by 10%. Mark 2nd and Motion passed 5-0.
- Ashley Boyd and Dean Zortman were here to represent the Threshing Day Committee. Ashley discussed the upcoming Color Run. She presented a map of the run and explained how it would work. She also addressed spraying for mosquitos because this seemed to be a concern last year. Brian said that he had been spraying and put granule down and will do it again before Threshing Days. Dean discussed the block party on Friday during Threshing Days and also the dance on Saturday and which roads would be closed.
- Randy Leis, Dave Snook and Boyd Orr along with TJ Milford were here to represent the Fowler Action Committee. Randy discussed why they started the group and what their goals for Fowler are. He said that they had done a SWOT assessment, which identifies Fowler’s strengths, weakness, opportunity and threat. They know that things take time and they have a 5 year plan. Randy discussed how the main issue to focus on is the Housing Project, after that than they can try to implement other changes. They are asking the City Council for support in their goals and help in making some of the grants work for Fowler.
- Leslie Lomis with Great Plans Development was here to share how she could help the City of Fowler and the Fowler Action Committee to achieve some of their goals. She discussed some grant options to help in demolition, rehab and rebuilding houses.
Brian informed Council that Myer Sewer Services would be here the week of the July 17th to clean out sewers on the west side of town. He also gave an update of the KDHE inspection that went good. He would like to look into updating the lighting in the bathrooms at the park.
Jamie presented the financial reports and employee time sheets. She also discussed if council would like to continue with providing school supplies. The consensus is yes.
Larry Dewell was here to discuss the roads. He thinks he might be able to help with maintenance on the roads. Also he gave some updates about the airport.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The council discussed the Trap Shoot Range again. Jamie presented a quote from the insurance for $874.50 a year. Council discussed options of possibly letting a different group take it over.
Jamie discussed the upcoming Meade County Emergency Table Top Exercise. Most council members will be available to attend.
Dudley made a motion to Adjourn TJ 2nd and motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:25.
_______________________ ____________________________________ Brett Copeland, MAYOR Jamie Boese, CITY CLERK