Council Proceedings March 2017


Click to download March 20 2017


  • The Fowler City Council met on Monday March 20th, 2017. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Council President Dudley Strong with the following Council Members present: TJ Milford, Mark Dierking, Louis Randall, and Kendra Dowell. Also present, City Attorney Clay Kuhns and City Clerk Jamie Boese .
  • Also visitors included Dennis McDowell, Gayle Brock and CW with Kirkham Michael.

Dennis McDowell led the Council in prayer.


CW presented the Bid tabulation from the Bids on the highway project.  Mark made a motion to approve the low bid by Klotz Sand pending approval of USDA and KDOT.  TJ 2nd. Motion passed 4-0.    CW left the meeting.


Gayle Brock expressed some concerns about untagged vehicles and yards that may cause a nuisance.


Andy Boyd was here to discuss his water bill and a leak that he had in his main line.  He has since fixed the leak and would like the council to consider adjusting his water bill.  Council discussed some of the ways the City has handled these situations in the past.  Mark made a Motion to figure the average water bill for the past 3 months.  Kendra 2nd, and Motion carried 4-0 with TJ and Louis abstaining.

  • February minutes were reviewed. TJ made a motion to approve minutes 2nd by Mark.  Motion passed 4-0.
  • Bills reviewed.   Motion to approve bills by Kendra 2nd by Mark.  Motion carried 4-0.



Jamie presented the financial reports and employee time sheets. She also discussed the upcoming Leadership Conference in Dodge City in April.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  No unfinished business



Council discussed attending an Emergency Management table top exercise.

Swimming pool and summer help was discussed.  An ad will be ran in the paper.

A letter from Rebecca Heinz, Library Director was presented.  The Fowler Public Library Board requests the Council to consider and approve the following Library Board appointments:

Sally Christiansen and Norma McClaren.  Kendra made a Motion to approve appointments as presented.  Louis 2nd.  Motion passed 4-0.


Louis made a motion to Adjourn Kendra 2nd and motion carried 4-0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45.




_______________________                         ____________________________________

Brett Copeland, MAYOR                            Jamie Boese, CITY CLERK