Council Proceeding October 16 2018

Click to download Council Proceeding October 16 2017

  • The Fowler City Council met on Monday October 16th, 2018. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Brett Copeland the following Council Members present: Dudley Strong, Mark Dierking, TJ Milford, Tammy Smith and Kendra Dowell.  Also present, City Clerk Jamie Boese, City Attorney Clay Kuhns and City Superintendent Brian Finke.

Visitors included Janice Brock with the Fowler Legacy and Dennis McDowell.  

Janice visited with the Council about the Legacy doing Christmas decorations and placing them in the mini park.  She would like to see a lot of other organizations assist in this and make this a community project. Also she discussed bringing community organizations together to possibly have a speaker and look at ways to work together to benefit our community the most.  

Dennis McDowell let the Council know that he was interested in moving his house to town, he asked about purchasing lots on the corner of 10th and Kansas Street.  TJ made a Motion to give the Mayor authority to sign the contract.  Tammy 2nd and Motion carried 5-0.  

  • September minutes were reviewed. Kendra made a Motion to approve the minutes 2nd by Mark.  Motion passed 5-0.
  • Bills reviewed.   Motion to approve bills by Mark 2nd by TJ.  Motion carried 5-0.



Brian discussed the new city fire truck, he stated that it does need some parts such as nozzles, pipe pole, ladder and other items.     Kendra made a Motion to purchase two new nozzles and a pipe pole for the fire truck. Tammy 2nd Motion carried 5-0.  Mark would like to see a list with prices of other items that are needed for our next meeting.  Brian informed the Council that well #4 was being worked on.


Jamie presented the financial reports and employee time cards.  She let the Council know that it was her 3 year anniversary as the City Clerk, and she requested a raise.  Council discussed and asked questions. Kendra made a Motion to increase Jamie’s hourly rate to $16/hr. Mark 2nd and Motion carried 5-0.  Jamie brought up doing a Memorial for Councilman Louis Randall.  Council discussed possibly doing a bench. Jamie suggested that we could possibly do a Louis Randall Memorial Christmas Tree.  Council really liked this idea and would like Jamie to research types of trees and costs.


Council discussed the final walk through of the Highway Project.  There are a few items that will be addressed before the project is closed.  Patching and sealing on 6th and 8th street will hopefully be starting soon.    


Jamie asked the Council about doing a sponsorship for the Fowler FFA.  The Council would like a letter or presentation from the FFA organization regarding sponsorship and the goals of the FFA.  Kendra brought a concern from a community member about the paint on the curbs. The community member believes that they look sloppy and would like to see them fixed.  Council discussed different ways to address this issue and will look into doing something in the spring.

Tammy would like to see the plugs that the Christmas stars plug into checked for safety issues.  Brett would like an electrician to come and check and fix any that need repairs.

Some discussion was had about a community center.  

TJ made a motion to Adjourn Dudley 2nd and motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:59.  

_______________________ ____________________________________                              Brett Copeland, MAYOR             Jamie Boese, CITY CLERK